Coriander Oil: Uses & Benefits


Are you constantly troubled by indigestion?

Do you suffer from headaches?

Are you looking for a healthy supplement to help you lose weight?

Coriander is an aromatic herb that is used around the world to add depth and flavor to many styles of cuisine.  In fact, the plant produces herbs both from its seeds (which are this oil’s namesake) and from its leaves (which produce cilantro).  That is, they come from the same plant!  The seeds are where the real benefits can be found.  This essential oil can also produce psychological effects such as relieving feelings of pain and increasing the libido.

What is Coriander Essential Oil?

Quick Facts

  • Scientific Name: Coriandum sativum
  • Application: Aromatic, topical, ingestion
  • Plant Part: Seed
  • Extraction Method: Steam distillation
  • Aromatic Description: Herbal, floral
  • Main Chemical Components: Linalool, a-pinene, camphor

Principal Benefits

  • Supports digestive function
  • Pay provide temporary relief from headaches and muscle or joint pain
  • Can increase feelings of calm and relaxation

How to Use Coriander Essential Oil

Coriander seeds can produce medicinal properties in addition to their fantastic flavor when used as a spice, which has spurred the use of their essential oils to aid digestion, break down fats, and regulate stomach functions. In some cultures, the herb is burned or incensed in rituals and medicinal practices specifically because of its perceived effects on the mind.  As a result, some experts recommend caution when ingesting this oil, and advise consumption exclusively in small doses.

Directions for Use

  • Aromatic: Add 3-4 drops to a diffuser, or dilute one drop with carrier oil and place directly beneath the nose.
  • Topical: Massage directly into the skin.  Alternatively, mix with a skin cleanser or lotion.
  • Internal: Add several drops of oil to a glass of water or tea.  Exercise caution, as consumption in large doses may have adverse effects.

Coriander Essential Oil Uses

  • Ingest several drops after eating to increase the ease of digestion and to promote regularity of stomach functions.
  • Add several drops oil to a glass of water to reduce pain as a result of headaches, toothaches, or other aches and pains.
  • Massage 3-4 drops directly onto sore muscles or joints to lessen pain symptoms.
  • Apply directly to skin to reduce the appearance of an oily complexion.
  • Massage several drops onto the neck or feet to induce a state of relaxation.
  • Apply directly to muscles after a workout to reduce future soreness and promote expedient muscular recovery.
  • Diffuse several drops to create a pleasant, relaxing aroma.

Coriander Essential Oil Health Benefits

  • Can have a positive impact on the libido in both men and women, including both increasing potential arousal and generally increasing interest in sexual relations.
  • Consumption of this oil can support to weight loss efforts in a variety of ways, including promoting the breaking down of fats and cholesterols and stimulating the enzymes that aid in digestive functions and stomach processes.  The regulation of digestive processes can also reduce the risk of indigestion or excessive buildup of gasses.
  • Some of the chemical components contribute to potential effectiveness as a pain reducing agent.  Many users recommend this particular oil as an effective way to reduce the pain of toothaches, headaches, as well as muscle and joint soreness. Applying it directly to the skin can desensitize the afflicted area; however users should note that this only affects the perception of pain and does not heal the injury itself.
  • Can be consumed to reduce bad breath.  After ingestion, the natural aroma of the oil masks the unpleasant scent of breath and also protects the mouth against excessive bacteria growth.  Alternatively, a few drops of the oil can be mixed with water and used as a mouthwash to achieve a similar effect.
  • Applying as a skin toner can reduce the appearance of an oily complexion, acting as a natural astringent that tightens pores to reduce the secretion of facial oils and protect the skin from harmful pore-clogging bacteria.
  • Diffusing may dispel the negative side effects of tension and anxiety to invoke a state of calm, wellness, and relaxation.
Coriander – Coriandum sativum

Coriander Essential Oil Research

The coriander plant is native to Mediterranean climates, but is commonly grown around the world.  The seeds of the plant are ground to create the plant’s namesake spice, and its leaves are harvested to produce a cilantro.  It is most widely recognized as a culinary staple used around the world as a spice or garnish in many dishes.  However many culinary users have no idea how many nutrients this single spice contains!  This herb packs eleven essential oil compounds, vitamins, minerals, and several types of beneficials acids, and each of this components of the herb contributes nutritional or healthy benefits.

Coriander Essential Oil Nutrition

Most essential oils simply enable the body to absorb nutrients more effectively.  The beneficial effects of coriander oil that are listed in this article can be achieved by utilizing the oil, but the benefits of some nutritional compounds may be inhibited by some of the same limitations that affect other oils.  That said, many of the antioxidants and vitamins found in the herb are specifically found in its essential oils.  As such ingestion is likely to yield a much more concentrated dose of nutritional compounds than if the herb were simply included in the diet.  It contains dietary fiber and proteins, as well as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. Additionally, the herb is a source of minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium.  The combined effects of these nutritional components contribute to the oil’s ability to decrease blood pressure and promote bone and vision health. Please note that none of these statements are approved by the FDA and essential oils should not be used as substitutes for prescribed medication.

Coriander Essential Oil Safety

Coriander oil is safe to ingest in small quantities; please exercise caution and limit direct ingestion to small dosages. As is the case with many essential oils, this oil may irritate the skin if applied directly in a high concentration; dilute with a carrier oil or lotion prior to topical use in order to minimize the risk of irritating sensitive skin. If directly applied for the purpose of pain relief, users should note that coriander reduces the perception of pain and does not heal the condition causing the pain. The use of essential oils should not be substituted for any prescribed medication for any medical condition, and should not be used against the advice of a medical practitioner.

Coriander Essential Oil Substitute

The benefits of coriander essential oil are not backed by scientific studies.  As mentioned above, essential oils should never be substituted medications prescribed by a doctor or against the recommendation of a medical practitioner.  However the benefits of this essential oil may be used to complement medications and supplements that target specific ailments.  For example, ingesting after eating a meal can reduce the effects of indigestion and alleviate the effects of excess gas, but should not be used in place of prescribed blood pressure medication.

Coriander Essential Oil Blends Well With…

Coriander oil can be blended with other like-acting oils to compound the beneficial effects of both oils.  For example, combining with cedarwood oil in an after-dinner tea can have a greater reduction of potential indigestion.  To create a more powerful aphrodisiac, combine with amyris, jasmine, rosewood, or vetiver oil.  Users seeking to lose weight can combine this essential oil with other oils that enhance the body’s ability to break down fats (such as grapefruit or cinnamon oil) or with oils that have similar metabolism-boosting properties (such as bergamot or lemon oil).

To create a pleasant aromatic blend, consider combining with a oils that complement its herbaceous scent.  Citrus oils, such as bergamot or orange, would be strong options, as would other floral oils such as rose or geranium.

Other complementary oils include: cedarwood, ginger, neroli, lime, peppermint, sandalwood, and Ylang-Ylang.


Will coriander oil completely cure your indigestion woes?  There are no published and scientifically backed studies that would support this claim, and the FDA does not evaluate any stated health benefits of essential oils.  Essential oils should never be used in place of prescribed medication or specifically to treat or diagnose any illness, nor should they be used against the advice of a doctor.  However avid users of essential oils have reported reduction in uncomfortable indigestion issues when using coriander, and similar testimonials exist for the other benefits detailed in this article.